
Download the Free Edition

The Free Edition of the hyper Content & Digital Asset Management Server is available for download right here.
The nightly build for developers can be downloaded from Bitbucket. Use this version only for development purposes and not for production.
The package can be easily installed using the one step installation procedure. Just follow the instruction in the included readme file and visit our Youtube Channel to see more screencasts.

The Free Edition is also available on Docker
Please follow the instructions provided on Docker Hub

Q & A

For Questions & Answers please visit the Google Group.
Please use Bitbucket to report issues.

How to install Updates?

Automatic updates (recommended)

For automatic updates you will need at least version 9.1.5. Details can be found in the Installation Guide.

Manual Updates

Just overwrite the existing installation in the directory "hypercms". Don't delete anything! You don't have to stop the webserver, you can perform the update during operation. Please note, that the database user used for the system must own the necessary permissions to create, modify and remove tables and indexes. The rest of the update process will be taken care by the system after your next login.

The stable release includes the Free Edition and comes free of charge

Please watch the installation tutorial before installing.

Download Version (Stable Release) ❯


Take a look at the following guides for more detailed information.

Product Overview

A brief overview about the features of the hyper Content & Digital Asset Management Server.



Installation Guide

How to install the hyper Content & Digital Asset Management Server.



Installation Tutorial

Any Questions?
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